


Descrição resumida: Sittellas is a Staffing & Enterprises application development company.
Fundada em: 2016-04-14
Dimensão da empresa: 101 - 250
Tipo: Empresa privada
Página WEB (website):


Telefone: +1 (786) 842-8883
Endereço: 91Springboard, Sector 1
Código postal: 201301
Localização: Noida
Estado: UP
País:  India

Sobre nós

Sittellas is a Staffing & Enterprises application development company. From providing best talent to delivering cloud computing & business intelligence solution and services, we have helped start-ups to Fortune 500 clients worldwide.

Being trusted partner from last 4+ years, using our agile methodology and collaborative approach we have helped our clients to hire best talent as well as get cutting edge technology solution, which helped them to enhance their working environment and improve client relationship.

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