Sea-Can Containers Ltd.

Sea-Can Containers Ltd.

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Descrição resumida: Sea-Can Containers Ltd is proud to be the largest distributor of shipping containers in Alberta.
Interesses: Container supplier, Container Modification
Competências técnicas: Container supplier, Container Modification, manufacturer, pallet supplier, metal fabricator
Fundada em: 1976-01-01
Dimensão da empresa: 51 - 100
Tipo: Empresa de capital aberto
Página WEB (website):


Telemóvel: +1 (780) 440-4037
Endereço: 11043 201 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 2N3, Canada
Código postal: AB T5S 2N3
Estado: Alberta
País:  Canada

Sobre nós

Sea-Can Containers Ltd is proud to be the largest distributor of shipping containers in Alberta. We are a local, Alberta-based company that has been providing welding and fabrication services, and producing high quality wooden pallets and crates, and container modifications since 1976. 

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