


Área: Impressão
Descrição resumida: Ripley Dynamics is a high quality 3D Printing and Prototyping company based out of the Gold Coast. Offices located across Australia. Our 3D Printers are high resolution, fast and produce an exceptional final product.
Competências técnicas: 3D Printing, 3D Modelling, Product Developement
Fundada em: 20 May 2020
Dimensão da empresa: 2 - 5
Tipo: Propriedade única
Página WEB (website): http://www.ripleydynamics.com/


Telemóvel: +61 0721130255
Endereço: 2a/14 Newcastle St
Código postal: 4220
Localização: Burleigh Heads
Estado: Queensland
País:  Australia

Sobre nós

Ripley Dynamics provides an end to end manufacturing and prototyping process. From ideation to mass production we can be there for you.

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