Leslie Mathis / Credit Help USA

Leslie Mathis / Credit Help USA

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Brief description: Credit Repair
Skills: Credit repair
Company Dimension: Nation Wide


Telephone: +1 817-909-0504
FAX: 214-988-5190
Address: 801 Road to Six Flags W. Ste. 143 Arlington, TX 76012
Postal Code: 76012
Location: Arlington
State: TX
Country:  United States

About us

 We have the ability to permanently remove any inaccurate negative item off of your credit reports. This includes, but is not limited to:
tax liens  
late payments 
collections / charge-offs 
medical bills 
student loans 
We also have the ability to remove inquiries. 
The less negative credit, and the more positive credit that you have the more your scores will increase.
We also can help you establish new, current trade lines to your credit.
You will receive results in 30 days, most of your results will occur in the first 3 or 4 months.
The results will me mailed to you directly from the credit bureaus, showing all items we have deleted and it will also generate a new credit report sent to you, so you will be able to see your progress every step of the way.  You will also be able to log in to your account 24/7 to see progress.
We offer a 100% guarantee!!!
Increase your credit score! 
Qualify for loans (Mortgage, car, credit cards, etc.) 
Receive LOW interest rates!
Stop Creditor Harassment!
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