Union 3 Auto Services

Union 3 Auto Services

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Area: Automotive
Brief description: Our experienced auto mechanics offer services ranging from your basic oil change to complex transmission repairs.
Founding Date: 1985-01-01
Company Dimension: 6 - 10
Type: Self Owned


Telephone: +1 (323) 224-1888
Address: 3304 N Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA
Postal Code: 90065
State: CA
Country:  United States

About us

Established in 1985, Union 3 Auto Services has been providing top-notch auto repair and maintenance services in the Glendale, CA and Highland Park, CA, along with the surrounding areas. Our experienced auto mechanics offer services ranging from your basic oil change to complex transmission repairs. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction drives us to be the leading auto repair shop in our community. Trust Union 3 Auto Services for prompt and professional automotive care. Visit us today for your auto repair and servicing needs.

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