Investeca, Lda

Investeca, Lda

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TAX ID: 508980674
Brief description: Comércio Por Grosso De Máquinas E Equipamentos, Agrícolas
Interests: We are specialists in market trends
Skills: We have a global vision. We provide Specific Solutions to every need, recommend products, business and investment with Highly profits.
Founding Date: 2009-05-13


Telephone: +351 244106137
FAX: 244106137
Address: Rua Dom Domingos De Pinho Brandão, Lote 11 6ºesq., Guimarota
Postal Code: 2410-387 Leiria
Location: Leiria
Country:  Portugal

About us

We are specialists in market trends, we know that fundamentals changes are occurring in the World Economy. The world as we knew it, composed of a national economies gave origin to one open world. 

To answer the constants economic mutations , we offer to our customers new solutions and new strategies for they acquire competence and can expand its activities and his heritage.

We have a global vision. We provide Specific Solutions to every need, recommend products,
business and investment with Highly profits. Ours consultants with specialized analysts in Several segments of society - economy, business and Investment, they form a highly qualified team to offer recommendations that will help in the success of any business or investment.

The Trading department, taking advantage of the production globalization, acts in a professional and rigorous way to offer the best products at best prices, making use of the best resources and the best existing technologies on different countries. We make a bridge between producers and costumers. We develop all purchase process requested by our customers, from the search for solutions on global market until Delivery the Product.

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