Food And Machines Export & Import Eireli

Food And Machines Export & Import Eireli

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Brief description: Importação, Exportação, Trade, Comércio, Etc.
Type: Privately Held


Telephone: +55 (16) 39951030
Address: Rua António Fernandes Figueroa, 1685
Postal Code: 14095-000 Ribeirão Preto - SP
Location: Ribeirão Preto
State: São Paulo
Country:  Brazil

About us

is considered in Brazil and Latin America the pioneer in technologies development in the cereals extrusion area and has created an own technology 100% Brazilian.
Always searching new technologies INBRAMAQ is consolidated in the world market as a quality company in extruded cereals processing, being the only company in the world that developed extrusion know-how in various segments simultaneously, that is, INBRAMAQ is able to manufacture extruders for human consumption and animal as well.
Everything began more 30 years ago when Mr. Paulo Sergio Thomazelli Terra , today Inbramaq president, accepted to work in the company CIPA-Industry of Aliments Ltda. (Bolachas MABEL), located in Riberião Preto, with the purpose of diversifying the production line (till then biscuits only), having the function of industrial manager.
During 10 consecutive years Mr. Paulo Terra researched and created new extrusion technology and produced a “corn snack” of high nutritive value and put in the market by MABEL with the commercial name of SKINY.
Having in account the great success of the product, CIPA opened the company SCODRIMPORT with the  aim of developing new technologies and  machines for snacks production. In recognition of Mr. Paulo Terra work in the new products creation, he was invited to be partner of the Group in 1978.
Until 1984 the MABEL Group put in the market several types of “snacks” (pellets, etc) produced with the technology that SCODRIMPORT developed.
In end of 1984 the MABEL group was divided and as payment term of his part in the Group, Mr. Paulo Terra kept the company SCODRIMPORT that changed the name to INBRAMAQ-Industria Brasileira de Máquinas Ltda.

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