C Erickson & Sons Inc

C Erickson & Sons Inc

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Area: Construction
Brief description: As one of Philadelphia Business Journal’s Top General Contractors, Erickson serves clients across market sectors including corporate, law, educational, institutional, healthcare, hospitality, restaurant & food service, and utilities.
Founding Date: 1954-01-01
Company Dimension: 2 - 5
Type: Self Owned


Mobile phone: +1 215-568-3120
Address: 2200 Arch Street, Suite 200
Postal Code: 19103
Location: Philadelphia
State: PA
Country:  United States

About us

C. Erickson and Sons, Inc. was founded as a family-owned construction management and general contracting firm and has served the Philadelphia region for over 65 years. As one of Philadelphia Business Journal’s Top General Contractors, Erickson serves clients across market sectors including corporate, law, educational, institutional, healthcare, hospitality, restaurant & food service, and utilities. Our award-winning track record as an annual Construction Excellence Award Winner speaks to our commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, construction quality, and customer satisfaction.

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