Accurate Auto Care

Accurate Auto Care

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Area: Automotive
Brief description: Our reliable auto mechanics specialize in providing comprehensive services including brake repair, transmission service, and more.
Founding Date: 1986-01-01
Company Dimension: 2 - 5
Type: Self Owned


Telephone: +1 (925) 443-8863
Address: 3989 First St #A, Livermore, CA
Postal Code: 94551
Location: 3989 First St #A
State: CA
Country:  United States

About us

Accurate Auto Care, established in 1986, is your trusted auto repair shop serving Tracy, CA, Dublin, CA, and surrounding areas. Our reliable auto mechanics specialize in providing comprehensive services including brake repair, transmission service, and more. For decades, we have been maintaining the highest standards of automotive care and ensuring our customers' vehicles run smoothly and safely. At Accurate Auto Care, we are driven by honesty, integrity and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Let us be the driving force behind your vehicle's enhanced performance. Schedule your appointment today!

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