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BTW nummer: NL 8190.85.248B01
Oprichtingsdatum: 01-10-2008
Bedrijfsgrootte: 2 - 5
Type: Privately Held


Mobiele telefoon: +31-(0)6-53978074
Telefoon: +31-(0)30-6342078
Adres: Kokermolen 6 - unit 1.07
Postcode: 3994 DH
Locatie: Houten
Land:  Netherlands

About us

12hoist4u is specialized in staffing the market niche for hoisting & lifting, heavy lift and specialized transport with competent and experienced personnel. Our 12hoist4u professionals are well trained and motivated to securely and efficiently support our clients for short or longer periods of time. 12hoist4u's ambition is to bring professionals and clients together all over the World. Our aim is to become one of the leaders in the niche market to which we are fully dedicated: hoisting, lifting, heavy lift and specialized transport.

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